The second day will see panel discussions, round tables and presentations on exploring new market opportunities in the digital age and technology showcase. Details of the program will appear here soon!
You may visit the 2023 Resources section to see details regarding the Postal Business Forum 2023.
SCHEDULE- 19 November 2024
The discussions will be moderated by Mr. Derek Osborn.
0930 Inauguration and Keynote Address
1030 Session 1 of CEOs Forum: Strategic approach for future growth
1200 Session 2 of CEOs Forum: Evolving Postal Services into Regional Logistics Hubs
1400 Session 3 of CEOs Forum: Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in Diverse Postal Markets
1530 Award Ceremony: Presentation by short-listed postal operators and distribution of awards on “Innovation in the Postal Sector” and “Sustainable Initiatives in the Postal Sector”
1600 Visiting booths and networking
1800 Dinner reception for CEOs, delegates, and participants